Charm Him In Minutes, Whether You Haven't Met Him Yet, or You've Known Him For 20 Years...
No Fancy Words Needed, Just The Way You Stand, and The Expression On Your Face!
From the best-selling author of How To Marry The Rich, Ginie Sayles, you're about to discover the truth about meeting men:
How to cause a man to feel that you are easy to approach and talk to!
Why you should not let others know if you are interested in a particular man.
How to meet men even when you're on a date - without neglecting your date!
How to meet a man you like, even if HE'S on a date - and why you should!
How to subtly change your clothes and body language to attract men like a magnet.
How to carry yourself so that you appear confident even if you're not feeling confident - yet!
How to know if you need a makeover... "Even Cinderella had to have a makeover!" --Ginie Sayles.
The nine words that will change your image forever.
How to meet ANY man... ANYWHERE... and easily fall into conversation with him.
How to find out more about a man you're interested in, without anyone guessing that you like him.
How to "check men out" to see if they are who they say they are - and why it's important that you do!
How to find out more about a man without anyone suspecting your true intention.
How your body language and clothes can send an unmistakable message that you love men but
still be classy and sophisticated.
How to carry yourself so a man loses his nervousness and feels comfortable with you!
How to flirt with a man and capture his attention even if you don't say a word (great for women who are a little shy)!
How to know for sure when you are being taken advantage of by a man.
The one thing you should never, ever say to a man - and it's not what you think! Women never
realize the effect this statement has on a man.
And much, much more in this recorded seminar exclusively for women who want the best information available!
Ginie Sayles, best-selling author of "How To Marry The Rich," reveals the secrets to charming men - even if you're shy.
Ginie is the expert's expert on making love happen... for people who are READY to make the DECISION to love!
You will see the change in how men respond to you immediately WHEN you sincerely apply these teachings.
So what do you have to do? Simply practice these teachings for five minutes a day, as often as you can.
If you can dedicate those five minutes to your love life for just a short while...
Then soon, confidence and charm will become second nature to you. Soon you won't need to practice any longer.
Isn't your romantic future worth it?
"I would recommend this to anyone who hasn't found the right person yet."
"Use this as a resource to find 'Mr. Right' and be ethical about it. Don't let people tell you it's game playing because it's not. No one can play a game forever and most people will be on their best behavior while dating.
"The Seduction Mystique Collection" Is Bundled Together With SIX MORE Programs By Ginie Sayles.
You Also Get These Programs:

Discover the body language of flirting. You can READ the body language of the opposite sex to know how available that
person is for a relationship - and if they are receptive to YOU.
"Now that I can read the body language of someone, I have stopped wasting my time pursuing someone who is not really available - and my date life is so much better!"
Use your own body language to send the "right" flirting signals - without saying a word.
Regular Price: $19.99
(Real Value: Priceless)

Understand quickly if your relationship is headed for marriage. Know when the time is right for making the marriage
decision! Should you plan a big wedding, or just elope? Get the crucial answers that will lead to a happy marriage.
"There are precious few people in the world who are truly brilliant when it comes to relationship advice - and
Ginie Sayles is at the very top of the list." - Mimi Tanner
Maximize your marriage potential!
This advice can and will mean that you get married FASTER and no longer waste time waiting for someone to commit.
And when you are WITH someone who truly loves you, you will know exactly how to seal the deal and get to "I Do" without the
hassle, stress, and second-guessing that can cause relationships to go stale. "Go get 'em," says Ginie!
Regular Price: $19.99
(Real Value: Priceless)

What happened to meeting "the One"? Where has he been hiding?
Find out what's really happening here and exactly how you can fix it.
Do you want to be alone or single next Christmas, or deep down, would you love to be happily married?
"Dating Chemistry" is simply the best advice you'll ever get to finally stop the excuses and get married!
Regular Price: $14.99
(Real Value: Priceless)

Are you in a relationship which is haunted by his "Ex"?
Does his "Ex" show up in your life unannounced repeatedly?
A troublesome Ex can wreak havoc on your happiness with the man you are committed to, and can even destroy it, bit by bit - unless you know how to act and react to these challenges.
Ginie Sayles, the world's original and foremost expert on "How To Marry The Rich," tells you what other people are afraid to be straight with you about - what you MUST do to keep your marriage or relationship alive and thriving if an EX is in the picture.
Get the information on His EX you have never heard ANYWHERE else.
How to deal with seemingly innocent questions that his "Ex" asks you.
What NOT to say to your man about his "Ex" - no matter what.
How to tell if your man is still in love with his "Ex."
Fnd out how seemingly 'nice' Exes can try to sabotage your relationship - and discover the one easiest way to make sure this cannot happen.
Does his "Ex" want to be friendly with you? Find out how this can end up destroying your happiness.
What kind of "Ex" are you dealing with? Find out exactly how can you keep her from wrecking your
relationship - now and in the future.
What should you do about "Exes" who keep writing letters or sending emails or cards to your man?
What you must know if your man and his "Ex" have children together - don't be blissfully in the dark!
What about an "Ex" who wants to tell you "stories from the past" about your man?
Find out how to prevail against his Ex and keep her presence from creating conflict.
If any children are involved - yours or his - dealing effectively with his ex is more important than ever.
These situations can go on for decades if you don't handle them effectively now.
Find out how to deal with His Ex in this recorded seminar exclusively for women who want
the best information available!
Regular Price: $19.99
(Real Value: Priceless)

best-selling author and speaker Ginie Sayles reveals
the truth about why men cheat - and how to know what kind of man will be faithful to you forever.
How to spot monogamous men and avoid heartbreak
Infidelity in men - where it really begins
The reasons a man will risk divorce or a breakup for another woman
Confessions from men about infidelity that you won't hear anywhere else
What are the internal and external motivations that lead to cheating - even in the most faithful of men?
Candid, real-life revelations from men on why they cheated - and why they remained faithful
What can you do to you cheat-proof your relationships once and for all? The surprising truth!
Regular Price: $39.99
(Real Value: Priceless)

Your inner programming is the key to finding love.
Reinforce your inner knowledge of your power to attract love.
You can re-program yourself to:
Replace fears now with new anticipation
Attract love to your new level of belief
Project joy, confidence, and fearless love
Regular Price: $14.99
(Real Value: Priceless)
Limited Time Special Collection
Seven Programs in This Collection
Total Retail Value: $179.93
Over $100 Off - Only $77
by the Legendary Ginie Sayles!

The Seduction Mystique
The Foolproof Guide to Meeting Men

Ginie is the expert's expert on making love happen... for people who are READY to make the DECISION to love!
The Complete Audio: 2 Hours 57 Minutes
Regular Price: 49.99
(Real Value: Priceless)

Send the "right" flirting signals - without saying a word.
The Complete Audio: 54 Minutes
Regular Price: $19.99
(Real Value: Priceless)
Dating Chemistry

Simply the best advice you'll ever get to finally stop the excuses and get married!
The Complete Audio
Regular Price: $14.99
(Real Value: Priceless)
Will He Marry You?

Maximize your marriage potential! This advice can and will mean that you get married FASTER. For women who are truly ready to get married!
The Complete Audio: 41 Minutes
Regular Price: $19.99
(Real Value: Priceless)
How To Deal With His Ex

The Complete Audio: 25 Minutes
Regular Price: $19.99
(Real Value: Priceless)
Why Some Men Cheat and Other Men Don't

The Complete Audio: 90 Minutes
Regular Price: $39.99
(Real Value: Priceless)
Attract Love

Your inner programming is the key to finding love.
Reinforce your power to attract love. Replace fears now with new anticipation. Attract love to your new level of belief! Project joy, confidence, and fearless love.
The Complete Audio: 28 Minutes
Regular Price: $14.99
(Real Value: Priceless)
Seven Programs in This Collection
Total Value: $179.93
Total Retail Value: $179.93Over $100 Off - Only $77
by the Legendary Ginie Sayles!

Exclusive Audio Collection from Ginie Sayles
Over $100 Off Retail (when purchased separately)
Limited Offer: Only $77
Enter The Word LOVE for an Extra $10 Off - Only $67

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These audios can be downloaded and saved to your favorite device. We strongly recommend that you listen to these unique audio recordings many times to receive their full value - and that you listen to them again three times each year to maintain these techniques and so they continue to be "second nature" to you!
"Without Ginie Sayles, I Would Probably Still Be Single."
- G.W.
"I would recommend this to anyone who hasn't found the right person yet."
"Use this as a resource to find 'Mr. Right' and be ethical about it. Don't let people tell you it's game playing because it's not. No one can play a game forever and most people will be on their best behavior while dating.
"Adjusting your habits (especially bad habits), improving your appearance & dating behavior just makes sense when you are trying to find a lifelong partner.
"I would recommend this to anyone who hasn't found the right person yet & wants to find someone to fit into their desired lifestyle."
Also By Ginie Sayles: More Exclusive Seminar Collections
The Rich Will Marry Someone - Why Not You?
How The Rich Can Make You Rich
How To Socialize and Do Business With the Rich
How To Write A Book In Three Weeks - Or Less!
Writer's Block Is a Crock!
The Seduction Mystique Collection
Seven Programs in This Collection
Total Retail Value: $179.93
Over $100 Off - Only $77
by the Legendary Ginie Sayles!

Exclusive Seminar Audio Collection from Ginie Sayles
Over $100 Off Retail (when purchased separately)
Limited Offer: Only $77
Enter The Word LOVE for an Extra $10 Off - Only $67

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These audios can be downloaded and saved to your favorite device. We strongly recommend that you listen to these unique audio recordings many times to receive their full value - and that you listen to them again three times each year to maintain these techniques and so they continue to be "second nature" to you!
Also By Ginie Sayles: More Exclusive Seminar Collections
The Rich Will Marry Someone - Why Not You?
How The Rich Can Make You Rich
How To Socialize and Do Business With the Rich
How To Write A Book In Three Weeks - Or Less!
Writer's Block Is a Crock!

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